GADE "E" (English group)
Instructor: Miguel Jerez
Class schedule (2014-15):
- Lectures: Wednesday (12:30-14:30) and Thursday (15:00-17:00) at Aulario, classroom #304
- Office: No. 322, Building #1 (Prefabricado), 3rd floor, North Wing
- Office Hours: Wednesday, 11:00-12:30; Thursday, 12:30-14:00. Appointments can be made by email. To do so, please click here
Grading policy. Semi-continuous evaluation based on the following items:
- Final exam (60%)
- Midterm exam (25%)
- Active participation (15%). The points in this item can be obtained by doing the following homework sets. The delivery procedure, deadlines and grading policy can be found in the header of each set:
In the second final any student not taking the exam will be graded with "Exam: not taken."
1. Introduction to Econometrics. (1 week).
Complementary readings and other materials:
- Wikipedia articles about: Econometrics, Criticisms of Econometrics, Cross-sectional_data, Time series and Panel data
- Givens, G.H. and J.A. Hoeting (2002). Comunicating Statistical Results, Mimeo. This very useful document can be freely downloaded from this site
- Some WEBs that you can use to revise basic concepts:
- Algebra: matrices and vectors, linear equations, matrix operations, inverse of a matrix
- Statistics: descriptive statistics (mean, variance, correlation,...), estimation, hypotheses testing
2. Simple linear regression: foundations and graphical analysis. (2 weeks).
Complementary readings and other materials:
- Simulated data
- US hourly wages vs. physical attractiveness (Wooldridge's beauty dataset)
- Sales, advertising and prices of Big Andy Burger Barn franchises
- CEO compensation (Wooldridge's ceosal2 dataset)
3. Multiple regression: estimation and inference. (3 weeks).
3.1 Estimation
3.2 Inference
Complementary readings and other materials:
4. Topics in regression analysis. (2 weeks).
4.1 Discrete and semi-continuous regressors
4.2 Collinearity
Complementary readings and other materials:
5. Regression with cross-section data. (2 weeks).
5.1 Heteroscedastic and non-normal data
5.2 Influential observations and outliers
Complementary readings and other materials:
- OECD dataset
- Yield of spanish shares vs. IBEX35 (CAPM model)
- Simulated data for the topic: "Influential observations and outliers"
6. Time series modeling. (3 weeks).
Complementary readings and other materials:
- Simulated time series
- Airline passengers
- US GDP vs. melanoma incidence
- Yield of UK sovereign debt
- Yield of spanish shares vs. IBEX35 (CAPM model)
- Wooldridge, J.M. (2009). Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach, 4ed., South Western Cengage Learning
- Givens, G.H. and J.A. Hoeting (2002). Comunicating Statistical Results, Mimeo. This very useful document can be freely downloaded from this site.
- United Nations Economic Comission for Europe (2009). Making data Meaningful. Part 1 and Part2
- Box, G.E.P.; G. M. Jenkins y G. C. Reinsel (2008). Time Series Analysis: Forecasting and Control, 4th Edition. Wiley, New York
- Cottrell, A. y R. Luchetti (2011). Gretl User's Guide.
- Greene, W.H. (2011). Econometric Analysis, 7 ed., Prentice-Hall
- Hansen, B.E. Econometrics, a free (but somewhat complex) ebook
- Heij, C., Boer, P., Franses, P.H. Kloek, T. y van Dijk, H.K. (2004). Econometric Methods with Applications in Business and Economics, Oxford University Press
Other resources and interesting links:
- GRETL project website. This is a free and cross-platform software package for econometric analysis. We will use it for the practical work
- I have written a short step-by-step Instalation guide for GRETL, that you can use to download and install this program in your home computer
- In this website you can find PQRS. PQRS is a free tool for students using computer aided instruction of statistics in order to make printed tables obsolete. It allows one to calculate probabilities and quantiles associated with a large number of probability distributions. Furthermore, one can draw random samples from all these distributions and store them to a file
- Here you can find a complete course of econometrics, based on Wooldridge´s textbook, and implemented in Powerpoint slides
- Some supplementary materials can be downloaded from this link.