- Explained Lessons 3.1 (Estimation) and 3.2 (Inference)
- Reviewed the practical materials: Exercise sheet #1, Weight vs. age for a sample of children and CEO compensation dataset (Wooldridge's ceosal2 dataset)
The goals for weeks 6-8 are:
- Finish working with the CEO compensation dataset by fitting a log-linear model. We will see how this helps when modeling nonnormal data
- Explaining Lesson 4.1 Discrete and semi-continuous regressors. Polynomial terms
- Modeling Wooldridge's "Beauty" dataset
- Solving part of the Exercise sheet #2 and Many least squares calculations done (almost) by hand
- Doing a partial exam (final date: April 10th)
- Please download again Lesson 3.2 (Inference) as I updated the pdf file.
- Solve the Exercise sheet #2
- Fit a regression model to explain the variables "liver", "heart" and "deaths" as a function of "alcohol" in Wooldridge's wine dataset, and test for compliance with standard hypotheses.
I will not be able to attend to next April 11th class due to a professional meeting. We will discuss the best way to compensate for the time lost.
Graded personal homework
Send an e-mail to this address (last day for delivery: Friday April 5th). This message should:
- Summarize the results of previous activities
- Describe any doubts about the topics explained in class
- Write a 400 words approx. summary of your main conclusions after modeling Wooldridge's wine dataset. Please, this time try to follow the guidelines in Givens, G.H. and J.A. Hoeting (2002). Comunicating Statistical Results.