jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

Econometrics: Test #2

As planned, in May 31th you did the second short test. It consisted in solving the questions in the following test (correct answers in the last page).

The results, as well as the final grade for the test exam component, are the following:

The final grade has been computed as the highest grade from the first and second test, increased by a 20% if both were higher than 5 points. If something looks wrong please tell me and I will revise the case.

By next monday, June 4th, I expect to publish the grades corresponding to partial exams (those in the upper list), individual work (the Campus Crime case) and Active participation (from the e-mails that you have been sending to me). If anyone did not send me the Campus Crime case yet, please do it!

sábado, 19 de mayo de 2012

The "B" plan

Dear students,

As you may know, last monday 14th I suffered a coronary event that required hospitalization. Obviously, this will have an impact on our teaching and evaluation plan, so it is time to define a "B" plan.

First of all, from wednesday 23th onwards Professor Teo Pérez-Amaral will substitute me. You should go to classroom N-102 of Pabellón Prefabricado (Building nº 1).

Teo teaches the english group in Economics and we share our teaching material, so the transition should be easy.

Second, I promised you that I would prepare some test-type questions chosen from the Econometrics exams of 2000 Plan. You can download them through the following links: Lessons 1-4 and Lesson 5 onwards.

These questions are written in Spanish (sorry!) the right choice is marked and there is a short explanation in my awful handwritting (sorry again!). Be also aware that these questions offer four possible choices, while your exam will offer only three choices.

Third, next May 30th we were going to do a graded practical case in the classroom. Now it will be non-presential. Please download this MS-Word document (I updated the file on May 30th to correct a minor typo). It contains all the data and indications required. You should write your own analysis, according to the instructions, and send it to trabajoeconometria@gmail.com before May 31th. You are free to consult with each other: I am you to write and understand completely the analysis and its conclusiones.

Fourth, we scheduled a second test exam. It will cover Lessons 1 to 6. I will prepare the questions and Teo will supervise it. It has been scheduled for next May 31th.

Last, I am allowing comments to this post. If you use these comments to ask your doubts, my answers will be available to everyone.

I am very sorry for these inconveniences and will do my best to minimize them.